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Casey – 2010 Graduate

CaseyMy life before Mercy was empty. I was sexually abused by a family member when I was 8 years old. My house was full of anger, constant yelling and fighting, and emotional neglect. When I was 14 years old I started cutting because I felt so dead and lonely. I made a lot of bad choices in an effort to fill the void I felt and eventually at 22 years old I found myself headed down a path of destruction with sex, drugs and alcohol. I found out about Mercy at a BarlowGirl concert and decided to apply. I still had plans to end my life on June 17, 2010, but God had other plans. I got my arrival date for Mercy and it turned out to be June 17, 2010!

I have learned so many things while I’ve been here, but the thing that stands out the most is LOVE. The staff here demonstrated God’s love to me everyday no matter what kind of day I was having. With that love came knowing that I am accepted, important, and forgiven.

After graduation, I am going back to work as a kindergarten teacher at the daycare I’ve worked at for 9 ½ years. I also want to pursue a desire to serve in a children’s orphanage in Africa.