Theresa – 2010 Graduate
I grew up in a home that was filled with arguing, criticism, and conditional love. We went to church every Sunday, but to me, God was someone peering down from Heaven watching every wrong move I made. I became a perfectionist which led to self-hatred, self-harm, and an eating disorder. My counselor gave me Mercy for Eating Disorders by Nancy Alcorn. I knew that I needed help and a Christ-centered home so I decided to apply.
During my time at Mercy, God taught me that only He could heal me. I know that I can come to Him just as I am and still be fully accepted. He showed me who He created me to be and awakened dreams in my heart. He has given me hope!
Life after Mercy has looked a lot more “normal” than I had anticipated. Before Mercy I was involved in a prayer house ministry and discipled young people. Prior to that I had been overseas doing missions with YWAM (Youth with a Mission). For the last five years, since graduating from Mercy, I have been learning the beauty and depth of simply loving Jesus and living life. “Guide my heart into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Jesus Christ” has been my prayer, and He has been faithfully responding. I can’t boast about anything extravagant or note-worthy in terms of what I’ve done for the Lord. It has instead been a lifestyle of letting go, choosing humility, and running towards the messiness of life instead of retreating. I am learning to be present in the tension, do things afraid, walk in muchness, and celebrate with my wonderfully family, friends, and co-workers. Words like love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness have all been redefined over the years, both how I receive it and extend it to others. I’m forever grateful for the time I spent at Mercy. I’m grateful for all that has transpired since then, and I’m so looking forward to the brilliance that is still yet to come.