Michelle – 2011 Graduate

MichelleI grew up feeling unloved, unwanted and that I was of no value to my family. I was physically, verbally and emotionally abused and was raped by a close family member. As an adult, I turned to alcohol to relieve my pain after finding out my husband cheated on me. This began a six-year struggle with alcohol addiction. I wanted to stop living and overdosed on prescription pills in a suicide attempt. I went to three different treatment centers, but nothing worked. I heard about Mercy from a friend and decided to apply.

While at Mercy, God poured out His abundant, unconditional love. Miraculously, I was relieved of the urge to drink alcohol the moment I walked through the doors of Mercy. I believe God did this so I could focus on the pain behind why I was drinking and expose those roots so he could heal me. By His grace, I have been restored and redeemed. He has shown me that He has great plans for me. I know I am His beautiful child, and I know my identity is in Christ Jesus. I have learned to receive love and to forgive others. God has also restored my marriage and my relationships with my family.

After graduation, I will be working part-time and volunteering at a safe house that assists women and children. I also plan to get involved in my church through bible studies and fellowship. I am really looking forward to taking a second honeymoon with my husband too. I’m going to live a life worth living!