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Nicole – 2011 Graduate

NicoleI was physically and sexually abused many times throughout my life by several men. I was also verbally and emotionally abused and eventually ended up in a cult where I was totally manipulated. All of this resulted in a life of drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, suicide attempts and psych wards. My life was chaotic, unstable and completely godless. I was in so much mental and emotional turmoil, I felt completely hopeless. I heard about Mercy from a counselor and decided to apply, because I knew I couldn’t keep living life the way I was.

While at Mercy, I came to know Christ. I want to take the unconditional love and mercy that I received and impact the world for Jesus. Because of Mercy, I know who my Heavenly Father is and now have an identity I can be proud of. I also learned the value of community and support. I was trying to get through life alone before, but I’ve come to realize that people, safe people, are a huge part of healing. I’m eternally grateful for all Mercy has done for me.

After graduation, I put feet to what I learned at Mercy. I ran into new challenges but I have learned to implement all the tools I was taught. I am now very involved in my church and just returned to school! I am daily growing in intimacy with God and would love to be a wife and mom one day.