Courtney – 2013 Graduate

CourtneyWhen I was in middle school, I was in a series of unhealthy relationships. I was emotionally abused and used food as a way to gain control and acceptance in my life. Out of intense anger and unforgiveness in my heart, I began cutting also.

Eventually, my mom reached out to some family friends who heard Nancy Alcorn speak at a church in Florida. They knew I was struggling, so they bought me the books “Starved” and “Cut” by Nancy Alcorn, and after reading them, I decided Mercy was for me. When I first arrived, I was scared and was stuck feeling more like a little girl than a young woman. I was confused about God, and I didn’t truly have a relationship with Him.

I have been set free from every form of bondage, including my eating disorder, cutting, depression and oppression. I have a personal relationship with God, and I no longer fear my future. I enjoy my life, and I genuinely look forward to each and every day! I know who I am in Christ and I know that I am a beautiful daughter of the King.

After graduation, I am going back home to get a job and be with my parents. I plan on going to the local community college in the fall and later transferring to a Bible School.

I now have hope for my future and am completely free! I know Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and I am in love with Him more than ever before! Now I am able to share with other young women what I know!