Rebecca – 2013 Graduate

RebeccaBefore Mercy I was bound by the pain of my past, from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, including rape. Add to all that immoral relationships, abortion, anxiety, depression, self-harm, and an eating disorder. The pain of these things resulted in shame, self-hatred, confusion, and wanting to die.

I first heard about Mercy through a graduate who was once in treatment with me for our eating disorders when we were teenagers. The second time I heard about Mercy was through a fellow intern at the ministry school I was attending, who had graduated from Mercy as well. Those who were discipling me in ministry school gave me Nancy Alcorn’s teachings when they realized the severity of my issues. After four years of Bible college, the Lord told me to apply to Mercy. I was severely malnourished and starved during the application process. The Lord had already delivered me fairly quickly from alcohol and drug addiction, but I knew I needed time to get to the roots of past abuses and wounds. Mercy was a beacon of hope. I entered hopeful of what God was going to do. The freedom I had seen in others I wanted for myself.

God has healed my wounded heart. He has broken off years of shame because I have given Him my pain and my regrets. He showed me that even though I had an abortion, my little girl is safely with Him, awaiting me in heaven. I learned that I am washed clean and that nothing is impossible for God. Though life may not turn out as I expected or wanted, I can trust God to make all things beautiful—even from the most horrific situations.

After Mercy, I plan to return to college to study psychology, social work, and nutrition. I want to walk women and abused children into freedom like I have found.

My family paid a fortune for secular treatment since my adolescence. If it weren’t for Nancy Alcorn’s obedience and faithfulness, I would be dead. God raised up the staff members for such a time as this, for such a generation as this. My life and hope have been restored thanks to Mercy!