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Emily – 2015 Graduate

Emily S. 2015My childhood was really broken, and I experienced neglect at the hands of those I should have been able to trust. I was sexually abused by a close family member at a very early age. After many visits from the police to our home, my brother and I were placed in foster care.

Someone told my stepmother about Mercy, and I decided to apply because I had no hope and felt like I wanted to die. I knew there must be more to life than the anger, confusion and pain I was experiencing. When I arrived to Mercy I hated myself and God. I held a lot of anger and unforgiveness in my heart toward my family. I had several walls up, and I trusted no one.

The turning points for me at Mercy started when Nancy Alcorn took the opportunity to ask how I was and get to know me. It blew my mind–first, that Nancy knew I was in the home and second, that she cared enough to approach me. She made me feel noticed and special and not just like another girl in a program. Another turning point was when a speaker came to the home and provided me a personal encouragement from the Lord. It showed me that God, my creator, loved me, even if I didn’t love myself at that time. She told me God had big plans for me. It convinced me that God cared enough to plan out more than just my tomorrow.

While being at Mercy I learned so much. God showed me that I am beautiful and flawless (Songs of Songs 4:7). He has given me a crown of beauty for my ashes. I learned to trust and to love myself. I learned to forgive, and that forgiveness is NOT forgetting but forgiveness is for my benefit. I can now cast my anxiety on the Lord because he cares for me (1 Peter 5:7). During my time here God has restored my relationship with my family. I have also learned not to call myself unclean, because God has called me clean!! God is good and he is a good father.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan to start high school and continue restoring my relationship with my dad and stepmom. I also plan to spend time with and hug my cats, Garfield and Lily. Someday I want to become a marine biologist and be a professional volleyball player.

If I could thank all the Mercy donors I would let them know that they have changed my eternity. Because of them I met God at Mercy and learned that I am loved and a daughter of the King. At Mercy I got to have my first good experience of Christmas. I regained my voice to speak out, and that is something that words can’t describe. Thank you so much!