I was adopted into a very broken family. My childhood consisted of isolation, dysfunction and severe abuse. As a result I was filled with rage and depression. I tried numbing the pain of my past through self-harm and drug and alcohol abuse. When I eventually became homeless, my drug addiction became worse, and I got involved in prostitution. I knew I needed a miracle.
I found out about Mercy through my older sister. She knew that I was falling deeper into my addiction, still homeless, and selling myself. She showed up to a shelter I was at and handed me the application to Mercy. I was really hesitant, but I knew if I didn’t get help I would be dead. Although I had abused drugs, put myself in risky situations, and even severely hurt myself, I always had a will to live and knew I had some sort of purpose. I applied to Mercy and arrived shortly after, convinced Mercy was my last chance.
When I first arrived at Mercy, one of the speakers told me I had special purpose for my life. She compared my anger to a ticking time bomb. She shared that God would disarm my anger and make me a woman with a cause to see many brought to the Lord. It was at that point that I knew I had to fight for my freedom and healing. All I ever wanted to know was that I served a purpose and that I was incredibly called and loved.
While at Mercy, God took my rage and bitterness and replaced it with peace, love and joy. He took my injustice and turned me into a woman who will lead a legacy of justice. He is not only Lord of my life, but He is my Daddy God. Zephaniah 3:17 says that He quiets me with love and rejoices over me with singing. God showed me how to allow Jesus to rescue and heal me. I’m no longer bound by the sin of my past. Jesus took my chains and replaced them with lace. Genesis 50:20 says “You intended to harm me, but God is going to turn it around for good and the saving of many lives.” I learned how to acknowledge that the abuse that I endured was wrong, but also to forgive and release those that hurt me to the Lord. I found so much victory in Christ!
After graduating from Mercy, I plan on joining the St. Louis Dream Center team and getting involved in youth ministry.
I want to say thank you to all those that have been obedient to God and supported this ministry. Mercy donors are the foundation and make it everything that it is today. I pray so many blessings over everyone who has given. You are helping thousands of young woman be healed! Thank you!