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Kimber – 2015 Graduate

KimberI grew up in a Christian home, but my mom and dad got divorced when I was two. My dad ended up getting remarried, and a few years later, my step mom adopted my siblings and me. In between that time, I was sexually abused by someone I should have been able to trust. When I was 11, I started to get bullied at school because I wasn’t as pretty as other girls. I began to crave the attention of guys and started to self-harm to release the anger I was feeling from the torment. When I went into high school, I was very promiscuous, and my relationship with my parents was horrible. I was afraid my life was always going to be rough, so the night after homecoming I tried to commit suicide and ended up in the hospital. I had finally hit rock bottom.

I found out about Mercy from my sister who graduated from the program in 2011. I decided to apply because I saw the change in my sister’s life, and I didn’t want to keep living life the way that I was. When I arrived at Mercy I was very angry, confused and scared.

One of the biggest turning points during my time at Mercy was when I finally forgave all of my abusers and those close to me who had hurt me. I also accepted that God was not the cause of all the bad things that had happened to me.

God did so many things in my life while at Mercy! He began healing my family and restored my relationship with my parents. He put dreams in my heart to help hurting people and to spread His Word and love to the nations. I learned that I am NEVER alone, that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that I don’t have to look to other people for my identity because I am a precious daughter of the King. I am beautiful, loved, cherished, unique, and very smart.

After Mercy, I plan to finish high school and join my church’s worship team. In the future, I hope to start my own photography business and spread God’s love through my pictures.

I want to say thank you so much to all the staff and supporters of Mercy. If it weren’t for people like you, I would not have had this opportunity or possibly would not even be alive.