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Angela – 2015 Graduate

AngelaBefore Mercy, my life was a mess! It was full of drugs, promiscuity, depression, and confusion. My self-loathing led to many of my bad decisions and guilt.

I found out about Mercy through my mom. I decided to apply because I needed a place to find healing that would remove me from my situation. I liked that Mercy was a free residential and Christian program.

A major turning point for me was when I came back from Christmas break. Returning to Mercy helped me realize just how serious the issues I was facing were and that I could not do it alone. I realized that if I wanted to live the life God planned for me, I’d have to make a serious decision to commit to freedom.

God has set me free from a drug addiction, sexual strongholds, and pride. I’ve learned that life is all about choices. It’s a choice to live for God and be obedient to His Word.

After Mercy, I plan to work while going to a Bible college. Then, I will see where God takes me.

I would like to thank all those partnering with Mercy. You helped make it possible for me to have a better life and for my daughter to have a better mom than she has ever had. This experience has changed my life. I can’t possibly thank you enough. God bless.