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Cassie – 2015 Graduate

CassieI was adopted. I had almost no friends growing up, and I had trouble socially. I was taken advantage of often. I have ADHD, so I struggled a lot in school. I didn’t trust anyone. I felt rejected and isolated.

I learned about Mercy through a graduate who gave her testimony at our church. I decided to apply because I was desperate. When I first got to Mercy, I was bashful, quiet, broken, fearfully obedient, and terrified of all the girls.

A turning point for me at Mercy was during worship when God started to show himself more clearly to me. God has freed me from my past, freed me from my addiction, freed me from darkness and brought me into the light. Now, I can smile even in difficult times.

After graduation, I plan on reaching other lives, drumming, and getting involved in ministry at my church.

To everyone who supports Mercy, thank you for blessing me and giving me another chance at life.