Christian – 2015 Graduate

ChristianBefore coming to Mercy, I self-harmed everyday, barely ate, and spent most of my time alone in my room. I felt numb and wanted to be in control of something after being controlled by a man in my life. I also felt unwanted by my parents because they were not around a lot. I used sex and self-harm to try to feel like I was human.

When I arrived at Mercy, I was very timid and didn’t talk to anyone. I was always afraid to ask questions. I wasn’t able to be around a lot of people at once without having a panic attack. I had no hope whatsoever and didn’t care what happened to me. I was numb and very angry.

A turning point for me came when all the Mercy residents got to attend a Joyce Meyer conference. I completely let go of my timidness during worship, and I had fun! Ever since then, I have gotten more bold and confident in a lot of areas of my life.

God completely healed me from depression, self-harm, and an eating disorder. He has given me back my confidence and boldness that I had as a child. He has taught me that I am worth everything to Him and that though life isn’t always easy, He will always be right here fighting for and with me.

After I graduate, I plan to get a full time job. I don’t have any plans for college as of right now, but I would love to go to a Bible college some day. I also hope to go on mission trips and maybe even write a book.

To Mercy supporters, thank you so much! I can’t even express how grateful I am for your generosity and love. You have played a huge role in turning my life completely around. God bless!