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Elizabeth – 2014 Graduate

ElizabethGI grew up in a dysfunctional home. My relationship with my family was very distant, especially with my parents. I developed a performance-based mentality to try to attain my family’s approval, but I felt it was never enough. I began believing the lies of the enemy that I was unwanted, unloved and rejected. Life quickly spiraled out of control when I discovered that two of my sisters were struggling with eating disorders and my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I almost lost my mother and became severely depressed. I turned to men and promiscuity as a way to deal with the pain. When that was not enough to fill the void, I began restricting my food in order to maintain a sense of control. That is when my battle with anorexia began. My condition worsened, and I knew if I didn’t get help, I was not going to survive.

I turned to a neighborhood church for help, and that day I gave my life to Christ. This was the best decision I ever made, but my journey to freedom was only beginning. During this time I still struggled, and I got involved with a man who was controlling and manipulative. Because of my decision to stay in this relationship, my family turned against me. I felt alone, trapped and hopeless.

I heard about Mercy through the church I was attending. I applied and was accepted. I came into the program broken, angry and afraid. I thought there was no hope for me, but God quickly began to change my heart. Through His word, the staff and the program, He reassured me of His love. He opened up my eyes to see His true character and nature and showed me that He was loving and trustworthy.

While at Mercy, I was able to let go of my eating disorder. I was able to break off old religious mindsets and really enter into an honest and genuine relationship with the Lord. God used His word and the Mercy program as an instrument to bring healing and restoration to all of my brokenness and pain. I learned to replace the roots of rejection and the lies of my childhood with His truth. I was also able to forgive my family, and God has been so faithful to restore my relationships.

After graduation, I plan to attend a discipleship training school for missions. I have a heart for missions and would one day love to become a missionary. My main goal is to work as a civil rights activist and defend those who do not have a voice.

To all who support Mercy, you have given me another chance at life. I am able to dream again and walk in a true relationship with God. Not only have you changed my life with your support, you have saved the lives of my future children and the generations that are to come. Thank you so much for all that you do to support Mercy. My life has been forever changed.