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Carmen – 2014 Graduate

CarmenBefore Mercy, I acted like I had it all together. I lived like nothing was wrong on the outside, but on the inside everything was wrong. I was cutting daily, not eating, and purging. I tried to commit suicide twice as a teenager. Depression was so heavy in my life. I think my struggles rooted from not knowing who I was in Christ and coming from a family where abuse was a part of life.

I found out about Mercy watching Joyce Meyer on television. I decided to apply because I wanted my life back. When I arrived at Mercy, I was so scared of everyone. I didn’t know how I was going to trust people who I had no relationship with.

My turning point at Mercy came when I learned how to forgive. My counselor and I had many sessions on forgiveness and why it is so important. Once I forgave, I was able to learn how to break free from my depression and eating disorder. Unforgiveness was the trap that had me bound, but now I am free.

God has shown me that nothing is too hard for Him to fix. All I needed to do was be obedient, live and learn His word, and take my issues to the cross. I have learned that God loves me for who I am. He loved me first and is delighted to have a relationship with me.

My future plans include going back to school to finish my psychology degree. I also hope to join the worship team at my new church and work as a mental health tech in an outpatient rehab for children and teens.

To everyone who supports Mercy, thank you for helping transform my life. Your partnership has made it possible for me to get my life back and now be able to give to others. You helped saved my life and my relationship with my family. You are such a blessing to me!