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Christine – 2014 Graduate

ChristineI dealt with a lot of guilt growing up. I walked on egg shells around my family. I felt that my life was constantly being controlled by others and that I was always a target during arguments. The yelling, screaming, fighting and brokenness at home made me angry with life and with myself. I felt unloved and unwanted. I remember screaming at God, “What did I do wrong to have this life?” My first suicide attempt was when I was 14 following a history of self-harm and battling an eating disorder. During my high school years, I began hanging out with the wrong crowd, doing drugs, skipping school and staying out late. I had no respect for myself. I was sleeping with men to get attention, trying to please them for “love.” I often tried to buy the love of my girl friends, hoping they would like me enough to stay in my life. My relationships involved a lot of manipulation.

I lived all over the place for two years. There was even a time when I was living in my car. Eventually I lost my car and moved into a boarding home, but it wasn’t long before I was kicked out and living on the streets. I knew right then and there I needed to get my life together. That’s when a family friend told me about Mercy.

While at Mercy, I faced the consequences of not following the rules— that was a turning point for me. The staff gave me a sweet, gentle push to make better choices. They let me know that I have great potential.

God has transformed my life, showing me things that I never knew were possible. God is 100% for me, not against me!

My plan after Mercy is to reconnect with my safe and healthy family members. I want to start my journey fresh and work on getting out of debt. I also hope to go back to school. My dream is to one day open my own café. I will stick with God, knowing no matter what, He has forgiven me.

Mercy has been a blessing to my family and me. Thank you, donors, for trusting God’s voice and letting Him lead you to support this ministry. My life is restored. THANK YOU!