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Ashlee – 2014 Graduate

AshleeMy mom had me when she was young and married a man who abused me. She got divorced, remarried, and had my sister when I was 12. I felt like her attention was on her new husband and baby, so I started rebelling. At 13, I started smoking and drinking, and at 15, I was sexually abused by two men. I never told anyone. When I was 17, I was expelled from school and also arrested for the first time. I continued to rebel and started experimenting with drugs. At 20, I became pregnant with my son. I stayed clean while trying to raise him but soon wanted to return to drugs and alcohol. I gave custody to his dad so I didn’t have to be responsible for him. I continued to party and became promiscuous. I was arrested several times for stealing and possessing narcotics. My only option was to go to a treatment facility for six months, so I did. I graduated but then ended up pregnant with my daughter. When she was born, I placed her in an adoptive family. I tried to stay clean, but then I started using again. I lost my job and my housing. The person I was staying with introduced me to IV drug use. That’s when I hit rock bottom and decided to apply to Mercy.

I found out about Mercy through my grand mom. She went to a conference and heard Nancy Alcorn speak. I applied because I knew I needed help or I would die.

During worship one morning, I felt God filling me up. It was when Bob Hamp came to speak. God’s love was so powerful that day, I couldn’t get enough. Since then, I have felt this sense of joy over me.

While at Mercy, I learned that I must completely surrender to God. I learned that I have to capture the lies in my mind and replaced them with the truth found in scripture. I learned I must forgive every day.

Someday, I hope to get married and have a big family, but for now I want to get my GED and get a good job to help support my son. I would like to work at a local church.

Thank you so much for your support of this program. It has helped me so much!