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Brittany – 2014 Graduate

Brittany_C_2014I had a rough childhood and was placed in multiple foster homes throughout my life. While in different homes, I was forced to smoke and punished if I didn’t do it. Later, my sister was raped by a family member while I was around. I was finally adopted at the age of six, but I felt like I did not meet my parents’ standards because I got into trouble a lot.

I found out about Mercy from my parents. They were looking for treatment centers for my sister and I, but they wanted it to be Christian based. No one would accept us because our cases were not severe enough or we were too old. When I got kicked out school for giving out pills and getting into a fight, I just got to my breaking point. I was desperate for help and a different way of living my life.

I can say that a big turning point for me at Mercy was when I learned to forgive and set boundaries. God has restored my family even though there are still things we need to work on. He has restored my joy and beauty. He has also allowed many new opportunities to open up for me.

I plan to finish my senior year of high school, get active in my church youth group, and eventually go off to college to seek a career in the criminal justice field.

To the donors who give to Mercy, I am so blessed to have people like y’all in the world. Even if we don’t meet face to face, I hope you are able to know my gratitude and appreciation.