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Megan – 2014 Graduate

Megan2014I had a completely innocent and free childhood. God was every bit a part of my family, and my parents showed that through their love for me. However, as life went on, I began searching for who I was. I turned to guys, drugs, partying, and an eating disorder. My everyday life was chaos. I couldn’t hold a job, and I was fearfully trapped in a horribly abusive relationship. I was lonely and separated from the family that loved me. I wanted so badly to “be someone,” but I had no idea what that looked like. I was stuck. When my best friend passed away from a heroin overdose, I hit an all time low. My mom and older sister heard Nancy Alcorn speak at a church, and both encouraged me to apply to Mercy. I had been to treatment centers before, but they didn’t do anything to help my drug addictions and eating disorder.

When I came to Mercy, I was kind of excited because it was something new, but I wasn’t confident that my life could really change. I was very insecure and scared, and I had no idea who I was.

When I finally faced how out of control my life was, I truly knew that I didn’t want to live that way anymore. That was my turning point. My old way of life was not how God was calling me to live, and from that point on, I determined not to be defined by my past or the negative words spoken over me. I started thinking differently, talking differently, and seeing differently. My dreams started to brighten up again, and I even saw God begin restoring my relationships with family members.

Because of Mercy, I now know I am accepted, loved, and adored by the Creator of all things. He sees me as awesome, so I see myself that way! I know that Jesus is backing me up, and He is seated at the right hand of heaven cheering for His daughter.

I look forward to my future! I look forward to stepping out in faith and seeing all that God will bring. Thank you, Nancy, for being a rock star! Mercy is literally one of the coolest places on the planet. Thank you to everyone who gives to Mercy, too. You are making such a difference in our lives. I can’t even tell you how thankful I am and the impact you’ve made on my family and me.