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Jamie – 2014 Graduate

Jamie2014My parents divorced when I was six years old, which turned my world upside down. At the age of eight, someone I should have been able to trust sexually molested me on a regular basis. Although this person was finally taken to court, I felt like my feelings didn’t really matter to anyone. I held in so much anger, hate and confusion. At 15, my father passed away. I was a daddy’s girl and felt like my whole world had ended. I started hanging around a bad crowd, smoking marijuana and partying on the weekends. I ended up pregnant at the age of 16. I felt as though getting an abortion was my only option, so I went through with it. That left me with so much more shame, guilt and depression. I kept all these feelings buried deep inside. I graduated high school and found out I was pregnant again two months later. I had my daughter the following May. I got married that September to my childhood sweetheart. But with all the anger, betrayal and guilt built up inside me, I didn’t know how to balance a healthy marriage. We had two more children during our marriage and ended up divorcing after a few years. After that, I struggled with severe depression. My life slowly spiraled downhill to a dark place.

I found out about Mercy through a former graduate. I was severely depressed, broken and at rock bottom. I knew Mercy was my last hope, but felt trapped by an awful past. When I thought about coming to Mercy, I was scared. I didn’t want to leave my children, but I knew that this was what we all needed. They didn’t have me whole heartedly the way they deserved.

Upon coming to Mercy, I felt a sense of belonging for the first time in a long time. The staff was so incredibly nice and welcoming! My counselor was the best. I looked forward to each counseling session. I had never felt more comfortable talking with someone.

God opened my eyes to so many things during my time at Mercy. He showed me how to love unconditionally and how to forgive. I learned that I have a voice and that I matter. I will never settle for less than I deserve again. I now see my children in a whole new light. My outlook on everything is so much different. I know that with God as my number one, all things are possible!

Since graduating from Mercy, I am currently working full-time. I want to become an RN so I can help others and let God work through me. I want to be the best mother that I can be to my children. I will always keep pushing forward and doing things God’s way rather than my own.

I can’t thank you enough for Mercy! Thank you for giving us girls a safe, amazing home to come to in order to find healing and closure. Thank you for helping us grow our relationships with the Lord. I will be forever grateful to Nancy and all the staff. The Mercy program gave me the tools I needed to overcome my past and walk with the Lord. My children now have the mother they deserve, and I am so thankful!