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Kaycee – 2014 Graduate

KayceeI grew up in a lot of dysfunction. My family believed in God and went to church, but at home we experienced emotional, verbal and physical abuse. I was also dealing with secret sexual abuse from different neighbors. I was scared to tell anybody because I didn’t want to get in trouble. Life felt like a fight to exist. On top of everything else, I was severely bullied throughout my high school years, sometimes only being referred to as “it” or “swine.” I had no value as a person and I truly hated myself. I eventually moved to another state to live with an aunt and uncle. My parents eventually divorced and life seemed to keep tumbling downhill. I struggled with a secret eating disorder, cutting, substance abuse, alcohol and toxic friends. I was at the point where suicide became a deep desire in my life. Thankfully, God intervened to keep me alive, even though I wouldn’t acknowledge His grace.

I had known about Mercy throughout my high school years, and eventually one of my pastors referred the program to me. I had hit rock bottom and knew I needed to deal with the things from my past. It had all finally caught up with me and there was no escaping it. God needed me to face everything so I could encounter Him in a real way. I arrived dead, broken, and with no hope, but God was still there to rescue me in the midst of all that.

Little did I know that God was truly going to breathe new life and a new hope into me during my time at Mercy. I had no fight left, and He was there to fight for me. My life has drastically changed—now I have a joy deep in my heart that can no longer be stolen. God revealed to me that He wanted to use the healing process to capture my heart and show me His goodness. I am in love with Him and am truly so honored to be able to live life with Him. I love life and am excited about the things ahead. God has given me such a great future, and I can’t wait to walk it out with Him.

This fall I will be moving to another state to attend a Christian ministry college, studying worship and then pursuing my bachelor’s degree in music business and recording technology. I look forward to the days ahead, seeing restoration of everything that the devil has stolen from me. I want to share this hope I’ve found with those who have no hope and be a voice for those with no voice.

To the donors who make Mercy free for all of us girls, I’d like to say thank you. Thank you for giving me the chance to live again, for giving me a safe place where I could be broken and vulnerable in order to find the healing God had for me. Thank you for giving me a chance to know love again and to genuinely know peace and joy. I never knew my life could be this abundant. I never knew that God truly desired my life to be so fulfilling. Thank you for this opportunity, thank you for letting God use you and being obedient to the things He’s placed in your heart. I am free and for the first time in my life, and I am truly honored to stand up for Jesus.