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Kelsey – 2014 Graduate

KelseyI grew up in a fairly normal home with two parents who loved me very much. I am the oldest of five children, so a lot of responsibility fell on me. Growing up, I put a lot of pressure on myself to be perfect, which caused stress and anxiety at an early age. I never felt good enough and was extremely insecure. My friend’s father began to sexually abuse me. The abuse caused a lot of fear in my life, and to cope with the fear I began having obsessive and compulsive behavior. I also became severely depressed and used self-harm as a way to numb my feelings. At the age of 13, I developed an eating disorder. I fluctuated between anorexia and bulimia for the next 10 years of my life. I was slowly killing myself and was content with dying. I started isolating myself from everyone and gave up on a future of any kind.

I found out about Mercy several years ago at a Christian concert. I finally applied to Mercy as a last resort when my eating disorder got out of control, and I knew I needed help. I came into Mercy extremely broken. I had a legalistic view of God that was based on fear, and I didn’t think God wanted a relationship with me because I was a horrible sinner.

A turning point for me was when I heard a teaching about the power of God’s grace. It finally clicked that God is not about rules and regulations, but instead, He wants a personal relationship with me. I began talking to God and found that He wants to speak to me as well.

While I was at Mercy, God tore down my walls of insecurity and helped me realize that I have a voice. He showed me that I am a woman of courage who is a leader, not a follower. God has also restored my broken relationship with my parents.

After Mercy, I plan on moving back into my parents’ house to continue building our relationship. I am also excited to return to coaching gymnastics. I eventually want to move to a big city. Ultimately, I want to share what God has done in my life so I can help other young women struggling with life-controlling issues. I want to let them know they can experience freedom too!

I am so thankful for all the donors who continue to pour into Mercy. To be able to come here and experience life transformation without the financial burden is such a blessing. Thank you so much for your willingness to obey and trust God. I am forever blessed.