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Heather – 2014 Graduate

HeatherFrom the ages of 5-11, I was sexually abused by someone I should have been able to trust. This caused deep depression and so much shame for a long time. It also started a vicious cycle of looking for love in all the wrong places and a 15-year sexual addiction. Even though my abuser went to prison, I started having suicidal thoughts and making plans to kill myself. I also started self-harming. At home I suffered from neglect and abuse, and at school I didn’t know how to interact with others so I was bullied a lot. Since girls were mean to me, I turned to relationships with boys, which usually ended in sexual interactions or abuse. Thankfully, a godly woman came into my life and eventually I was able to live with her and start going back to church.

I found out about Mercy from leaders in my life who were like spiritual parents. I decided to apply when I was 16 years old, but it took me four years to actually get the courage to come. When I arrived, I was still kind of afraid of females, but God had been preparing me to face this fear.

A big turning point for me in the Mercy program was when I learned that I could use my words to take authority over strongholds in my life. It was also helpful to be reminded that I can take control of my thoughts. I am now able to win the battles over things that once consumed me with temptation. God has healed my heart, taking my shame and depression completely away. He has given me the ability to immediately recognize when my spirit needs to be fed. He has also filled the holes that had existed in my heart for so long.

When I finish the program at Mercy, I plan on getting settled in an apartment and finding a job. I am considering enlisting in the military as well as going to college.

I am thankful to Nancy Alcorn for being obedient to the Lord by starting Mercy. This place is doing a marvelous work for the Lord!