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Elizabeth – 2014 Graduate

ElizabethBefore I came to Mercy, I was very depressed and consumed with how my body looked. The roots of my struggles were sexual abuse, feelings of rejection and pain from growing up with alcoholic parents.

I found about Mercy through a friend. I decided to apply, because I knew deep down I needed help in getting free from the depression and eating disorder that consumed my life. When I arrived, I was happy to come into the program, but I was also selfish and childish, and had a victim mentality.

Once I gained the revelation that God’s love for me is unconditional and that He had already forgiven my sin, I finally stopped beating myself up and was able to forgive myself. I also realized I may be sensitive, but I’m not breakable. I have authority, and I am strong in Christ. I now have a relationship with God, and I know who I am in Christ. I no longer have shame, guilt or condemnation. I do not struggle with depression or an eating disorder anymore, and my physical health has been restored as well.

After graduation, my plans are to go back to my hometown and finish college. I also want to get a job and volunteer at local museums in my town.

I am thankful for everyone who partners financially with Mercy. Without your support, I would not have the freedom and the relationship with God that I am experiencing now. May God bless you!