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Amy – 2014 Graduate

AmyHI was raised by loving parents in a Christian home. Our family was in the ministry and high expectations were put on me by others and by myself. I tried to live up to a lifestyle of perfection but realized I didn’t quite fit into that box and ended up feeling like a failure. I felt like God made me wrong and I didn’t fit in anywhere. I began to think, “I’m not special… I’m not important… I’m unlovable the way I am.” These thoughts took root in me early, poisoning my soul, and stole the joy I should’ve had in my life. I fought depression, poor self-image, and suicidal thoughts my whole life. When I was 20 years old my dad committed suicide and it completely destroyed the foundation I’d always stood on. In my anger I turned away from God.

After my dad’s suicide, I was left feeling abandoned. I suppressed my emotions because most days it was too hard to face the pain. This eventually resulted in an eating disorder, alcohol abuse, unhealthy relationships, and suicidal tendencies. A friend told my family about Mercy and they intervened to bring that option to me. I applied because I knew I needed help, and I had no other options.

Even though I had turned my back on God, I learned that it was only His perfect love that could heal me. God took my ugly mess of failures, mistakes, stolen dreams, loss, and heartache and turned them into priceless treasures that will forever hold eternal value to me. At Mercy, I really began to understand that I am a new creation in Christ. I can stand confidently in my new identity and freedom. The enemy is always trying to use people or circumstance to tear me down, but I know Who I belong to now. Christ has given me the power, strength and authority to overcome any trials I may face now or in the future. He has given me back joy and laughter. He is so good!

After graduation, I will live with my mom for a few months before heading back to finish the last semester of my college education. I am excited to volunteer at a local children’s home and a crisis pregnancy center, and to get involved in church again. I look forward to opportunities to share my testimony or sing at different churches or events.

To all who support Mercy… thank you so much for investing in me, my freedom, and my future!