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Alicia – 2014 Graduate

AliciaMy parents got divorced when I was a baby, and my childhood was very unstable. We moved around a lot, and the adults in my life did not get along, which left my sister and me in the middle of their conflicts. We were forced to lie to family members about really serious situations. My mom had many boyfriends and also worked a lot. She was verbally and emotionally abusive. My grandma felt like my real mom and was the person I trusted and knew loved me most, but when I was 13 she passed away, and I was devastated. The next year I moved in with my dad and step-mom. That was definitely a God thing, but it wasn’t always easy. As a teenager, I went on missions trips and really wanted to live for the Lord. Over the next few years, I found myself the victim of rape, engaged to be married, and caught up in unhealthy relationships with men that didn’t last. After several sexual relationships, I ended up pregnant and discovered I was having twins. My boyfriend turned abusive, and I had to get a restraining order against him for my safety. Even though all of that was hard to go through, God answered my prayers by bringing me safely to Mercy so I could work through everything during my pregnancy.

God is so amazing, and through my time at Mercy He showed me the great plans He has for me. I have been freed from insecurity and no longer feel the need to change for anyone. He gave me clarity on situations that caused me to be spiritually stuck before. God has made me stronger in Him and has shown me how valuable I am. He opened my eyes to why I did certain things and has really taught me boundaries, showing me how to walk in freedom.

I am so thankful for this time to really cling to Jesus and learn how much He values me—I am His beautiful beloved with no flaw in me (Song of Solomon 4:7). Mercy has really helped strengthen my foundation and has brought me true healing, allowing me to be exactly who God created me to be.

After Mercy, my first focus will be on raising my newborn twins. In time, I want to get involved in a ministry for single moms and eventually start doing missions again. I’m excited for my children to be part of my life—the three of us are going to advance God’s kingdom together and be unshakable! God is amazing, and to Him be all the glory!!