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Rachel – 2014 Graduate

RachelBefore I came to Mercy, I battled drug addiction, self-harm, anxiety and depression. My life was very dark and unstable as a result of being sexually abused as a child as well as being in a relationship with a man who abused me physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally. Those things led me down a horrible path of complete failure and destruction.

 I found out about Mercy through my dad. I knew if I didn’t apply, I was either going to die or end up in prison because of my drug addiction. When I first came to Mercy I was an emotional mess—up and down all the time. There was no consistency at all.

I turned a corner in my time at Mercy when I prayed through forgiveness for others and myself. When I began to renew my mind, I recognized a total shift in how I saw myself. I finally realized I had power over the enemy and I was not a failure. I am a loved, powerful woman of God through Christ Jesus.

God has done amazing things such as restoring my relationship with my family and children. He has shown me the Christian walk is much more satisfying than I would have ever imagined. I’ve learned to operate as a mature adult and seek God first for everything.

After Mercy, I plan on being going to college to become a registered nurse. Thank you, Mercy for saving my life!