“Life-changing,” “one of the best experiences of my life,” “far exceeded my expectations”

Those are the kinds of comments we hear about Mercy’s new Keys to Freedom Retreat. This 5-day retreat was developed as a way for women 18 and older to step away from their regular rhythms of life, connect with Jesus, and dive into some of the core principles from Mercy’s Keys to Freedom discipleship study.

The Keys to Freedom Retreat was officially launched in July of 2023 and takes place at our beautiful and newly renovated St. Louis location. One participant wrote these words after her retreat experience:

“From the moment you turn the corner onto the Mercy retreat property, you will feel seen, loved, and well cared for. Setting aside the time to attend and engage in the retreat will be the single best thing you can do for your soul and to invest in that which is eternal. My soul was refreshed and fed.”

A few years ago, we began asking God to reveal new ways we could interact with people who are looking for freedom. One of the most challenging things we face as a ministry is an ever-increasing need for our programs and resources. We receive calls regularly from men and women of all ages who are struggling and looking for help. Many of these calls come from people who, for various reasons, are not able to participate in Mercy’s Residential or Outpatient Programs.

And we all know people who struggle, even in our churches. Depression. Anxiety. Insecurity. Pain. Loss. Grief. Weariness. The feeling of being constantly overwhelmed by life. These affect people everywhere every single day. In truth, at one time or another we all struggle.

So, as we prayed, God began to inspire the vision for an experience that would allow people to experience God in fresh ways and open the door for new levels of healing and freedom in just a few days. Many organizations that focus on mental health or recovery offer weeklong intensives, and we believed Mercy could serve more people from a broader demographic with our own weeklong experience focused on healing and freedom in Christ!

The principles shared at the Keys to Freedom Retreat have been used for 40 years in Mercy’s Residential Program and more recently, in our Outpatient Program. Those principles were introduced to a larger audience in Nancy Alcorn’s book, Ditch the Baggage, which was published in 2015. The same principles were used to create an 8-week discipleship study called Keys to Freedom, which was released in 2017.

Now, Keys to Freedom is in at least 26 countries around the world, with more than 87,000 copies distributed so far. The study is available in five languages, and other translations are anticipated. We have been amazed by the testimonies about lives transformed as people go through Keys to Freedom. Testimonies come from near and far, reminding us that the God who has anointed and transformed lives through our Residential and Outpatient Programs is the same God who has anointed and transformed lives through Keys to Freedom. And He continues to work in miraculous ways through all our Mercy resources and programs, including the Keys to Freedom Retreat!

Of course, we cannot go through the entire 8-week discipleship study at the retreat, but we can and do walk people through the core principles from Keys to Freedom, including Hearing from God, Healing Life’s Hurts, Choosing to Forgive, Renewing the Mind, and Using Your Authority in Christ. Each day at the retreat includes worship, teaching sessions, and small group discussions along with time to reflect and process things with the Lord, rest, and relax.

When we first opened registration, the initial retreat weeks filled quickly! Women ranging in age from twenty-somethings to 70-plus came from 21 different states to participate. We welcomed women from all occupations and stages of life. Women who recently graduated from college. Stay-at-home moms. Businesswomen. Grandmothers. Women serving in pastoral ministry. Some women came to the retreat feeling far from God. Others experienced a close walk with God but simply wanted more.

Regardless of age or background, we were amazed by testimonies of how the Lord met these women in powerful, and sometimes very unexpected ways.

One participant shared that she felt real faith for the first time in her life at the retreat. Another talked about breaking down barriers holding her captive throughout life. Many women said they learned how to hear from God for themselves for the first time at the Keys to Freedom Retreat!

“If you want to experience a retreat like no other, come to the Keys to Freedom Retreat where your personal connection to God has a chance to flourish. Where you can slow down and look at God and yourself in ways we should all take the time to process. Where real change for an abundant life in Him is navigated. You’ll be led through His Word, [along with] reflections and concepts that will help you find peace and joy.”-2023 Keys to Freedom Retreat participant

On the first day of the retreat, one woman was in a very real crisis of faith. She was giving God one last chance to show her He was real. And God met her in an incredibly powerful way that week. After the retreat she shared:

“I was ready to renounce my faith, and this retreat helped me heal and be born again. I heard the voice of God. I learned how to connect with the Lord through prayer journaling while breaking agreements with Satan and learning scriptural truth. I feel transformed with my faith in Christ restored. I feel healed, restored, and set free.” -2023 Keys to Freedom Retreat participant

One of the most beautiful and unexpected things we’ve witnessed is how God unites the hearts of women who attend each week. Many participants leave the retreat saying they were surprised by how quickly they connected with other women there. Deep friendships have developed between women who had never met before, and some continue to stay in contact months after they attended the retreat together.

While the Keys to Freedom Retreat is currently available only for women ages 18 and older, we hope to launch retreat weeks for men in the future! Because of our generous donors, the retreat is free-of-charge. We can accommodate fifteen individuals at each retreat, and a small reservation fee is required to secure a place. Participants are responsible for their travel to and from the retreat center in St. Louis, but once they arrive all food and lodging are provided.

If you are interested in attending the Keys to Freedom Retreat or want to recommend the retreat to others, information including available weeks and registration details are available here. We would love to have you join us!

We have only begun to experience what God has in store for the Keys to Freedom Retreat and those who participate! We cannot wait to see how He moves in the coming weeks, months, and years!