Before coming to Mercy, I grew up in a loving Christ-centered family home. However, this didn’t stop the enemy from going into overdrive to destroy my hope. I dealt with crippling anxiety, I was addicted to pornography, and I fell into depression and a life-threatening eating disorder. I was at my wit’s end.

During my time at Mercy, I found real freedom in Christ. I learned that God can work incredible miracles out of unspeakable tragedies. The Lord taught me who I am in Him and my self-worth, giving me back my identity in Christ and renewing my hope for a future. I was able to renew my mind in Christ, heal from my past, and replace shame and guilt with a relationship with God.

God has shown me He sees me as pure and without fault and that He fights for me. I plan to walk out my authority in Christ, use the tools I learned in counseling, stay in His word, community, and prayer, and walk in complete surrender to His plan for my life.

Some goals and desires for my future are to travel and do mission work, use my creativity for His kingdom, and be unapologetically myself. Someday, I also hope to have a family of my own and use what the Lord has given me at Mercy to share with others that what He did for me, He can do for you, too.

To all the donors, thank you for supporting my healing and freedom in Christ. Your generous donations allowed me to experience new things and trust in the Lord’s provision. Thank you!