2006 Residential Program Graduate Update

“When I entered Mercy, I didn’t know my value and couldn’t truly comprehend the love of God due to sounds of unworthiness that echoed within me. Depression’s teeth had a tight grip on me, an eating disorder had me operating like a puppet on a string, and a combination of perfectionism and achievement constructed the mask that I hid behind.

In saying that, however, though I considered myself unworthy of love, a burden to those around me, and far beyond hope’s reach, God’s relentless pursuit of my heart and life became evident to me in truly tangible ways throughout the time I spent at Mercy. Upon graduation, my healing journey was not over, but God’s work in me was undeniable! For my value and worth had been greatly redeemed, deep healing and freedom had been released within me, and I had passion for life and a purpose for which to live!

I have seen mercy multiplied in my life, starting in my own home and stretching across many nations of the earth! Currently, you’ll find me serving in the Dominican Republic alongside an organization that exists to change hearts and bring hope to individuals, families, and communities! Ultimately, I must say this: I’ll be forever grateful to the Lord for how He used Mercy in my life because my life was forever changed!”

-Kim was a graduate from Mercy in 2006