2011 Residential Program Graduate Update

“Because of Mercy, I was not completely lost in hard times. I knew I wanted to advance the Kingdom of God and be able to help people who struggle like I did. I ended up earning my master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I was able to practice counseling young girls and women for a short time who had similar struggles as I did. I even had them create their own truth cards to speak out loud like I learned to do at Mercy!

I stopped practicing counseling as a profession and decided to be a stay-at-home mom when I had my first daughter, Aurora, who is now two years old. Sixteen months later, I had Georgia, who is one year old, and I am currently pregnant with a boy! As parents, my husband and I want to instill in our children the importance of speaking Scripture and showing them the loving and accepting nature of God. I am forever grateful to Mercy!”

-Danielle was a graduate from Mercy in 2011