As we have continued to celebrate Mercy’s 40th Anniversary, God has been moving in mighty ways in the hearts of our supporters, and this year’s Giving Tuesday was no exception!

We kicked off this global day of giving with a video from Founder and President Nancy Alcorn, motivating supporters to give to help meet our matching funds. We began the day with $112,000 in matching funds, which quickly increased to $122,000, then increased again to $127,000! God’s faithfulness and provision was evident throughout the day, as we continued to have a steady flow of gifts come in even during the last few hours of the day.

Giving Tuesday is not only about fundraising, but it is also about raising awareness for all the incredible ministries and non-profits serving our communities. Although many supporters participated in Giving Tuesday financially, others supported by sharing on their social media platforms about the work Mercy is doing to help people find freedom and healing in Christ.

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of our donors, we raised $307,853 on this year’s Giving Tuesday! This amount includes the $127,000 in matching funds.

Founder and President Nancy Alcorn shared,

“We are so grateful for every single person who decided to give to Mercy on Giving Tuesday. There are so many deserving organizations out there who were raising funds and awareness, and we are so honored by the supporters who planted seeds into Mercy Multiplied. First of all, none of this would have happened without the collective effort of our board of directors for generating the matching funds. I also want to thank the Mercy staff for all their hard work in raising awareness for Mercy so we can help more people find freedom in Christ!

We are so thankful for every person who donated, created a Facebook Fundraiser, and shared our posts throughout the day. More than anything, we are grateful to God for His provision over our ministry and the many others that participated in this year’s Giving Tuesday! Your generosity is a blessing to Mercy and all the people we serve. If you were not able to give on Giving Tuesday and would like to do so, there is still time. Please click here if you feel led to give a gift.