Please join us in congratulating the most recent graduates of our residential program! The young women who graduated have worked very hard, and we know that God has great things in store for them. Please note that minors and graduates not wishing to publish their stories are not shown.


“When I first walked into Mercy, I was met by many people who were willing to fight for me when I had no fight left to give myself.”


“I’ve learned to love myself again, dream again, and hope again. I’m excited about my future and what God has in store for me.”


“At Mercy, I’ve learned so many things that will benefit my life. God has taught me to trust in Him and what He says about me. He has become my source of security, comfort, strength, love, and hope.”


“The girl that walked in the doors of Mercy months ago is not the woman I am today. God touched my soul and changed me from the inside out.”


“I always wanted to make everyone around me feel loved, and I forgot about myself. I learned that God doesn’t look at your weight, your clothes, or where you live. He looks at your heart and can see past everything society judges you for.”


“When I walked through the doors of Mercy, I instantly felt welcomed by the residents and the staff. When I was there, God confirmed many times that I needed to focus on myself and not others. God says I am chosen, wanted, loved, and His daughter.”


“Mercy gave me the perfect opportunity to heal and embrace the woman God created me to be. I was depressed by the circumstances in my life that I could not control. But here, I had the freedom of dropping my heavy bag of depression.”

Anna Grace

“I am so grateful for Mercy, the staff, and my Mercy sisters, who God used as a vessel to transform my heart. I can truly say I do not recognize the girl that walked into Mercy a couple of months ago.”