My name is Lisa Marie, and I am so excited to encourage you with a message about God’s beautiful redemption. 

God uses what the enemy meant for evil for good. Life events, heartaches, and losses all have purpose and value tied to them. Yes, even the deepest hurt, God can use! Not only can He use it, but He desires to have it. Like Jesus, who took on the sins of the world, God bears our burdens and pain.

One of my favorite promises in His word is Deuteronomy 31:8 (ESV), “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” 

What the Enemy Meant for Evil, God Meant for Good

Before I was even born, the enemy tried to steal my life. My mom wanted to have an abortion. When I learned of this heartbreaking reality, lies began to flood my mind. I believed I was unlovable and that my life had no true value. This plan that Satan himself had in store actually has fueled my passion to live and not die. 

God used this situation for my good because I get to experience His love in knowing that before I could even fight for myself, I was rescued by Him. Additionally, I had the gift of forgiving my mom instead of living a life filled with bitterness toward her. It is by the grace of God that I have been saved, and I owe Him my all. But God saving me in the womb was just the start. 

God also saved me from a life of sexual sin. I learned at a young age that my father was absent in my life. This void was another way Satan tried to destroy me. As I got older, I ran to men to try to fill this void. I was so desperate to be loved by a man that I compromised my relationship with God. I didn’t fully understand my heavenly Father’s love because of my own father’s absence. But even in this, God used it for good. 

How? While most children complain about their parents, saying they are “too strict” or “always in their business,” I was just grateful to finally have a Father who desired me for who I was. The void of not having my earthly father in my life led me to appreciate even more God’s choice to adopt me as His daughter. 

Learning How to Pray

For years, I had believed the lie that God was void in my life and I wasn’t worthy to be loved by Him. Even through this deep anguish, I continued to pray persistently! Isn’t it amazing how the Lord uses hardships to teach us exactly what we need to learn, exactly when we need to learn it? In this season of crying out to God, in pain from my father leaving me, I learned how to pray. I spent many nights praying on my bed as a child. Those nights turned into weeks, months, years, and even decades! 

At times it felt like I wasn’t doing anything at all. Because of the rejection I felt from my earthly father, I sometimes doubted if God heard my prayers at all. After all, my dad was never present to hear me out; so why would God? Looking back, I had no idea the stamina and strength I was developing in my prayer life. 

The Lord used this all for His good and glory in order that I may always understand his ear most certainly does bend down to listen. Psalm 116:2 (NLT) says, “Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!” 

Bring Your Deepest Hurts to Him

My hope and prayer for you today is that you will experience the goodness of our Lord and savior in this same way. I want to encourage you to bring the deepest hurts in your life to the one who is called our healer. Like me, you may have to bring these hurts to Him more than once. But be hopeful today that through your obedience, your perseverance, and bringing your hardships to the Lord, He is working all things for your good. 

God is the redeemer of our lives. He will not be overtaken by the enemy’s plans. God is our shield from the attacks of hell. Take heart and remember that God will reward you and redeem you in the areas that have tried to destroy you. The heart of the father is for you, and He is waiting patiently with His arms wide open to embrace you.  

Today is the day to place your trust in Him and watch Him turn your pain into a glorious work of grace and redemption. 

Mercy Multiplied exists to provide opportunities for all to experience God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and life-transforming power.  We offer multiple programs and resources online and onsite designed to equip people to live free and stay free in Christ. For more information about the services we offer, click here.

Want more resources? Check out our most recent MercyTalk podcast episode, “Bonus Episode: Testimony Tuesday – Jenna’s Story”.  For daily inspiration, follow us @MercyMultiplied on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter