Breanne grew up in a Christian household with great parents. After moving to a new town at the age of 12, depression and anxiety hit her hard. So hard, that she couldn’t attend school. Because she spent so much time alone, she grew into a deeper depression and began to tell herself that she was worthless. As a result of these negative thoughts, she began to self-harm. New youth pastors at her church marked a fresh beginning for Breanne at age 15. She enrolled in Bible college and things were good for a while, but soon darkness and depression consumed her and she began to self-harm again. She had heard about Mercy but had talked herself out of applying multiple times. She applied her junior year of college, but was anxious about missing school and not graduating with her class.

While at Mercy, the lies she believed about herself were replaced with God’s truth and love. Without missing a beat, Breanne graduated from Mercy, then returned to Bible college, took summer classes and was able to graduate with her class. She works as a counselor and helps people find the same healing and freedom that she found.