You have the opportunity to double your dollar this year on Giving Tuesday!

Giving Tuesday only happens once a year. It is a global generosity movement that is dedicated to encouraging people to do good and make an impact in their community.

On December 1st, non-profits around the globe will take to social media and raise awareness and funds for their missions. Last year, Mercy supporters gave over $12,000 to help young women find freedom and healing from life-controlling issues.

This year, in 2020, Mercy’s goal is to raise $20,000, and we need your help! When you donate to Mercy Multiplied on December 1, 2020, you will have a very special opportunity to DOUBLE YOUR DOLLAR through matching funds thanks to generous donors and sponsors. Your dollars give young women the opportunity to find freedom in Christ through our free-of-charge residential and outpatient program.

How can you be involved in Giving Tuesday?

  • Make a donation! Even your smallest contribution is so important, because donations toward Mercy Multiplied’s Giving Tuesday campaign, #GivingHerMercy, will be doubled until we reach our goal.
  • Start a fundraiser. If you are not financially able to give, you can still create your own Facebook Fundraiser and ask others to donate!
  • Share about Mercy. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share our posts on Giving Tuesday as we raise awareness about the mission of Mercy.

However you choose to participate, we want to thank you for keeping Mercy in your thoughts and prayers this year. Together, we are helping more and more young women find freedom in Christ!

Can’t wait?  You can give an early-gift here TODAY!