As we continue to navigate a world that feels so different from even a month ago, it should come as no surprise that emotions are running a bit rapid these days! Today, we’ll continue to examine another feeling that many of us are experiencing during this time, and that is loneliness. While it may sound logical to categorize emotions as “good” or “bad”, Chip Dodd encourages us to think of them as signals that inform us of our needs. Join us today as we talk about the “signal” loneliness is trying to send; not only in times of stress but also throughout our lives. Also, in this episode…

  • The difference between solitude and isolation
  • The 4 types of relationships we’re all lonely for
  • Guarding against apathy and practicing vulnerability

We’re excited about this one because just like all of these emotions, loneliness is not exclusive to scenarios of high stress or chaos. As you’ll hear today, we are actually dealing them far more than we realize. So as a refresher, we’ve derived our resources from the book “Voice of the Heart” by Dr. Chip Dodd. With all that being, let’s break down the idea of what loneliness even is.

Loneliness is a feeling that tells us we’re made for relationship. In fact, it’s a leading feeling that can lead us to seeking out 4 different kinds of relationships.

1. A loneliness to be with ourselves

2. A loneliness to be with others

3. A loneliness to be with God

4. A loneliness for creative expression

Now, we know the first one may come as a surprise because honestly, in this season, many of us are sick of being with ourselves! But this definition is different than merely locking ourselves up in a quarantined house.

At the end of the day, God did not make us to do this life alone and we can see examples of this all the way from the garden, to even the example Jesus set in His relationship with His disciples. A great verse here is Proverbs 18:1…it says, “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.”