My life leading up to Mercy was terrible… I was bound by fear and an eating disorder. I was tormented by the enemy and was so ashamed.

I found about Mercy through a previous mentor. I was already about to be admitted to a secular residential treatment center when she told me about Mercy. I still went to the other place and then my insurance dropped me after three weeks. The day I left I knew that I didn’t need a behavioral modification I needed deep healing and that is what Mercy’s focus is. I knew I needed God to rescue me and set me free. When I arrived I was very afraid, ashamed, and feeling so unworthy and unloved but I knew that this had to work because God is a God who heals, so He had to be able to heal me.

Three months into my stay at Mercy I was really having a hard few days and I decided to go outside and just start declaring the truths in God’s Creative Power booklet. I wasn’t screaming them but saying them forcefully. I know a shift came that day. There were gradual shifts and greater levels of breakthrough throughout my time at Mercy. I would be having a hard few days or day and just felt the Lord say, “keep pressing in because breakthrough is coming,” and it did. There wasn’t one extravagant moment with fireworks and dramatics that I felt God show up, it was many, many, small and intimate moments where the Lord would bring breakthrough after breakthrough. I thank God for that because through this process I learned perseverance, I learned to press into the Lord and I learned to be okay with the process.

God showed me who I am and who I am not. I had to lay down the lies and false identities of who I thought I was and let Him redefine me and reconstruct me. He also began reconstructing who I believed Him to be.

After Mercy, I will be going to visit family for a few weeks and then returning to work. Eventually, I would like to return to school for children and youth ministry and work at a camp for kids and teens.

To the donors, thank you for being a part of God’s work of transforming lives. Thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for your prayers, and thank you for showing us, love. My life as well as thousands of other lives are forever changed. I praise God for the donors because they made it possible for me to receive the healing that I couldn’t get anywhere else. Thank you again and again! May God richly bless you and multiply back to you what you have given ten times over. May your family and homes have peace and joy, and may you be filled to the overflow with the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.