My life before Mercy was chaotic and dysfunctional, to say the least. Every day was a battle to get up and go through the day. I never felt happy. I was numb to everything and everyone.

My spiritual mom told me about Mercy, and I knew that it would be the last hope for me to learn how to cope with my issues.

When I came to Mercy, I barely felt my emotions or expressed them. I was desperate to get better, but I was scared of being in this safe environment.

We had a day of silence, and God spoke to me, telling me I needed to decide who I wanted to fill the silence. This day impacted me because I was reminded that I had the power to choose which thoughts I let into my mind. A turning point for me was praying to be healed from bipolar disorder. During worship one day, God spoke to me and said: “there’s nothing to be healed of.” This miracle began the process of getting me off of all my medications. I began to feel my emotions again and wasn’t as numb.

During my time at Mercy, God healed me from bipolar disorder, and He helped me to tear down the lies that I had believed. I learned about the true character of God and chose to believe that He doesn’t orchestrate the bad things in life that happen to us, but He uses them to glorify Him.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan on working for Teen Challenge as an intern and sharing about what God has done for me through Mercy. I am so excited!

Donors, without you, my life would never have been able to be changed. I would never have been able to afford this program if it were not free because of donors like you. I am so thankful for you, and I am saddened that I can’t thank all of you in person! May God continue to reward you and bless you in your giving.