Welcome back to MercyTalk! As we wrap up our series, Thriving in Your Relationship with God, we’re taking a closer look at how intimacy with God leads to a new identity.

Also in today’s episode:

  • How intimacy with the Father leads to confidence and freedom
  • Abiding in Christ (a human “being” vs. a human “doing”)
  • The importance of rooting our worth in Jesus over our successes

To wrap up this discussion, we’ll look at how getting over ourselves, believing we’re bought for and forgiven, and communing with Jesus through prayer makes it possible for us to experience true intimacy with God and reshapes and reorients our identities. Our identities are no longer our own. And most importantly, our identities are hidden.

This is key. It is so completely counter to our social media culture, which fosters self-aggrandizing habits: our lives, our endeavors, our every pursuit becomes all about us. This is especially dangerous when our pursuits or endeavors fail, because if we tailor our identity to what we do rather than whose we are, our foundation is built on shifting sand.

When our identity is firmly rooted in Christ and our endeavors fail, we can face the future secure because of who we are in Jesus. Believing this—actually believing this—will bring freedom and empowerment. This perspective will free us up to steward all our responsibilities well and for His glory, not our own!