My parents divorced when I was one, and I never had a close relationship with my dad which left me feeling rejected, abandoned, and like I was not good enough. I began self-harming and feeling very suicidal at 13, and I also began looking for my worth in different relationships with guys. At 16 I entered a relationship that became unhealthy and emotionally abusive. I was eventually raped which left me feeling extremely dirty and unworthy of love.
I heard about Mercy through a previous graduate. I knew that I was only going to find total healing from God, and I knew that Mercy would help me find freedom. I came in completely lost and broken but ready to receive whatever God had for me.
At Mercy, I found so much breakthrough when I began to uncover the lies I was believing about myself and started replacing them with what God told me about my identity. Seeing myself the way that God sees me allowed so much love and healing into my life. God has transformed the way I see and think about myself. He has shown me that I don’t have to hide my feelings and that I can be completely vulnerable and authentic. He has brought so much healing and forgiveness in my life and completely restored my heart.
After Mercy, I plan on returning to school to major in Zoology and one day work in a zoo, and I also hope to be able to help other young people with my testimony and share the love of Christ with them.
To all the donors, thank you so much for your support. Without you, I would not have been able to find this freedom in Christ and have a healthy future.