My life before Mercy was constant chaos. I struggled with a number of addictions including drugs, food, tobacco, alcohol, and others. All of my addictions controlled me and no matter how hard I tried to get out of that lifestyle, there was always something pulling me back.

I heard about Mercy when I was applying for a job in a new town after going to rehab for an attempted suicide. I met someone who soon realized I was still in trouble and still using. I could see the love of God shine through her and she helped me search for several places and she ended up helping me apply to Mercy.

When I arrived, I hated myself but I was ready to change. But as time went on, the Lord gave me freedom. He changed me. He showed me who I am in Christ and how important and worthy I am to be alive, sober, and having a good life. I learned that I have a voice that I can use and that I matter, and that when I pray, the Lord hears me! I now have the tools to fight the battle against the enemy and stick up for myself when I need to.

After graduation, I am going to college to pursue my dream of being an addiction counselor. I am going to go on my first missions trip as soon as I can, and serve in a church. I plan to help addicts, the homeless, the incarcerated, and those who struggle with suicide.

To all donors of Mercy Multiplied, thank you for all the support you give me and the other girls who have walked in the doors of Mercy. Some of us have never had a safe place to go and didn’t know who God was before we came to Mercy, but you have generously given us the opportunity to have all those things. Through your donations, it was made possible for me to be free, find God, and become the woman God created me to be.