I grew up in a Christian home, but my parents got divorced when I was 10. I learned from an early age how important it is to put your best face forward. I thought I had to keep it all together for my three younger siblings who looked up to me. This put an obsession in me to be a “people pleaser” and to look like I had it all together. I wanted to look perfect. In middle school I developed the early stages of an eating disorder and by high school I became bulimic. This gave me a sense of control and power in my life that I felt like I didn’t have anywhere else. I was in and out of 4 different treatment centers and psychiatric hospitals for both my bulimia and bipolar disorder.

I heard about Mercy though my mom and I decided to apply because I had gotten professional help, but was told I would always struggle with either depression or an eating disorder for the rest of my life. So, I knew that the only way I could be set free is if I had the help of God. When I walked through the doors of Mercy, I was broken and believed I was stupid and powerless. I thought the only way I would change is if God did a miracle and instantly fixed my psychological issues. A turning point for me during Mercy was realizing that God wanted to teach me about His character and in that process, He would slowly heal me. He didn’t just want to give me a quick fix answer like I wanted. He had better plans in store for me. I have also learned at Mercy that I have the power and authority to use my will or desires, to agree with God’s Will for me, which is always what is best for me. I’ve experienced that as long as I continue to submit to God, I win every time. He has made me smart and capable to tackle anything that comes my way. God has the power to change me, but I have to take the action to come alongside Him and agree to receive it.

After graduation, I plan to go to Bible College and learn more about God and how He wants to use me, so that I can be equipped to go out and be a missionary. Words can’t describe how thankful I am for Mercy Multiplied. God gave me a place where I could fully surrender to Him and have my hope restored for the future. I’m so grateful to the staff for listening to God and for the gracious Donors who so lovingly provide the finances and resources to run this wonderful program. I am seeing God’s hand all over my life and I can’t wait to see what He has in store for me.