My biological dad was never really involved in my life. My mom got involved in an abusive relationship where I witnessed her being physically abused and I was verbally and emotionally abused. This fear of rejection and abandonment continued into every other relationship. I began having anxiety/panic attacks in middle school and throughout school and I didn’t know what to do. I turned to unhealthy, codependent relationships with guys without any boundaries. This only caused more pain and severe depression. I didn’t want to live but was too scared to die.

I bought Nancy’s book, Mission of Mercy, and my mom ended up reading it and telling me about Mercy. At the time I didn’t think I needed Mercy or that my issues were severe enough. A couple of years later, I was paralyzed by fear and depression. I walked into Mercy with high walls and I was terrified.

During my time at Mercy, God kept showing me that this was not the life He had planned for me and that there’s much more! Also, He showed me that I’m His child and He is pleased with me. God has shown me so much truth about who He is and about myself. He is not the source of my fear and He taught me how to show myself self-compassion.

After Mercy, my plans are to go back home to my parents’ house to get a job and save money over the next couple of months to get out on my own. I would like to go back to college in the next couple of years for a degree in something like social work. I have a passion to give others hope in some way someday! I also want to say thank you SO much to the donors!! You don’t know how much your giving means to me and the healing I’ve received here at Mercy—it wouldn’t be possible without you!