| Choosing Freedom | Carrie
Ever feel like you are tackling life alone? What would it look like to bring people into your story who were wiser, more mature, and eager to come alongside you! Here at Mercy we are all about accountability! Our Transitional Care Manager, Carrie, shares her heart and a few practical tips to bring supportive people into your life!

definition an island is a piece of land surrounded by water, broken off from other pieces of land, separated and isolated unto itself. (Thank you, Webster’s Dictionary!) Well, that’s great if you are looking for a vacation getaway, where you can lay on the beach, alone, and soak up the sun. However,as Disciples of Christ, we were not created to be islands. We were created by the Master Designer for fellowship, community, and relationship!

Have you ever come up against something in your life that felt too big, too heavy, or just too much for you to bear or figure out on your own? We all have! Linking arms with others who are like-minded, who you would emulate, who you look up to, and who are trusted advisors with a solid track record of being a people helper, makes your circle stronger when you run into these types of things. Asking a trusted mentor or friend what they see regarding your issue at hand opens the door for your perspective to widen and for you to see more than you could on your own. Allowing others to walk with you, pray for you, and bear your burdens with you does what Galatians 6: 2 says – it fulfills the law of Christ.

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God’s Word is chock full of scripture on accountability and the wisdom of including others in your life so you aren’t alone on your journey.

“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” (KJB; Proverbs 11:14)

“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” (NIV; Proverbs 15:22).

“Surely you need guidance to wage war, and victory is won through many advisers.” (NIV; Proverbs 24:6)

So, according to Scripture, seeking out regular counsel is safe, wise, and ensures success. Sounds pretty great to me!

We Were Not Created To Be Islands | | Choosing Freedom

So, HOW do we go about seeking wise counsel and accountability in our lives? Above, I have already given you an outline of what to look for in an accountability partner: like-minded, solid, and a great track record are just a few important keys. Next, WHERE to look?

First I suggest looking within your local church. When I sought accountability as a new Christian, I gravitated towards older women in the church that were more seasoned in life (for guys, an older male). These were women I looked up to, whose marriages, lives, businesses, and general demeanor were something I respected and admired. Also, I utilized the resources within my church: young adult’s pastor, women’s ministry pastor, youth pastor – these pastors can help direct you to find safe and sound believers in your church body who would not only make a great mentor and accountability partner, but who also have a desire to pour into the younger generation. Another option, if you feel you need a little extra help, is to locate a professional counselor in your area. And remember, different seasons of life call for differing levels of need. You will not always need the same level of accountability in every season, but we always need to be accountable.

Ask the Lord what accountability should look like in this season of your life. And then seek Him, with help from others, for who those people should be. Ask the Lord to highlight someone in your church or in your sphere, and then don’t wait for that person to approach you! Pursue them and ask if they can meet you for coffee or tea. Let them know where you are in life, what you need, what you are looking for, and then go from there.

Remember: seeking, securing and heeding wise counsel offers safety and wisdom and ensures success. Don’t let the enemy corner you into isolation – save the island for a vacation.

If you want a few further thoughts and practical tips to finding accountability check out this #MercyTalk Podcast!