When I was younger, my family moved around a few times. My mom and dad separated when I was 6 years old. My childhood was filled with loss and grief. I felt alone and I always found myself feeling like a burden. I began self-harming when I was 14. I was searching for connection and stability. I hated life and I didn’t want to live so I became suicidal. It was at this point I had come to the end of myself and came to find the Lord. I wanted Him, and I needed Him.

My sister told me she was planning to send my niece to Mercy. I decided to apply and give it a chance because I felt like it was the only hope I had left to get me out of the place that had already determined the kind of life I would live and how long I would live. When I arrived I was overflowing with anger and unforgiveness. I was full of hatred and I was set in my independent ways. I didn’t want relationships, I wanted healing.

I remember the exact day that the feeling of whatever was blocking my heart to receive the true joy, love, peace, and hope left. I can truly say I haven’t been the same since. God has been so gracious to me and showed me what true love looks like. I have been able to see my future for my life. I had stopped dreaming and decided that whatever was meant for me would come, but God showed me He has great things for me and I do not have to settle.

After Mercy, I will hold a common job for a while and get involved with my church. I plan on going back to finish college and get my degree in social work to help children and families around the world also find freedom and help.

I want to say thank you to all of the donors and supporters for all that you do and have done. I am so grateful that you obeyed the voice of the Lord because He had me in mind when He thought of a place for freedom. You will truly be blessed for all that you continue to do.