Before arriving at Mercy, I experienced a life that demanded my control. I believe a lot of my struggles stemmed from instability in my household that led to me to feel as though I had to be “super woman” and control everything. When I inevitably discovered that I couldn’t handle controlling everyone else around me, I turned to trying to control anything in my grasp: my weight, the food I ate, and the consequences for my behavior.

Before I admitted that I needed help, a friend of my parents from church stumbled upon Mercy one day when doing an internet search for treatment centers. She gave me the information, and I decided to reach out. During my time at Mercy, a big realization came to me when I was reading one of my assignments, What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey. The Lord revealed to me that in my own power, apart from God, I can do nothing. That concept opened a door to a lot more understanding of the direction I needed to be going in the program.

The Lord opened my eyes in so many ways during my time here at Mercy. He has been especially faithful to show me who I am in Him and the potential for a life of hope instead of just a life of survival.

After I graduate from Mercy, I will be heading home for a season to adjust back into normal life. I have loose plans to go back to school, and I hope to one day earn a degree in some type of counseling.

There are not enough words to capture my gratitude for all of Mercy’s supporters. I never could have afforded something half as good as Mercy if had to come up with the funds on my own. My life truly changed because of the work the Lord is doing through all of you.