I had a good childhood. My mother was the main one to raise and provide for my two older brothers and me. My dad abused drugs and alcohol, which caused my mother to eventually leave him. During my freshman year of high school, my life started going downhill. Around that time, a male classmate physically assaulted me, but when people didn’t believe me, I shoved it down. Another classmate bullied me that same year. The next year, I developed an eating disorder along with self-harm. The following year, I began drinking and using drugs. Then I was sexually touched multiple times at a place of employment. I met a dangerous man who I started dating and gave him everything. He began mentally abusing me, which led me to start dealing drugs with him. This brought me to a point where I started using harder drugs. Eventually he broke up with me, and I kept using and drinking even more.

I went to a detox unit to get off of the alcohol and drugs for a full seven days. After that, I stopped eating altogether. At that point, I had gotten clean from all the drug and alcohol abuse but I lost about fifty pounds in two months because of my eating disorder. Doctors told me I would die if I didn’t start eating, but I still refused. At one point, I was admitted to the hospital and came close to death because my heart stopped beating correctly.

I found out about Mercy’s program when I was looking up something on my laptop. I turned away for a second from the screen, and when I turned back around, the Mercy Multiplied website popped up on my screen. I applied because I was desperate for help and knew I would die from my severe anorexia if I didn’t apply to Mercy. When I arrived, I was very sick with my eating disorder. I wanted NOTHING to do with God, and quite frankly at the time, I hated Him. I was angry, I had a bad attitude, and I was very prideful. I came to get help with my eating disorder, but little did I know that I would find love, freedom, and a new life here at Mercy Multiplied.

During my time at Mercy, God saved me, redeemed me, and proved to be nothing but a good Father to me. God has given me a second chance at life. I learned that nothing in this world could ever pluck me from my Father’s hand. I learned that my past does NOT define me and what I did in my past has nothing to do with what I will do in my future.

When I graduate from the program, I hope to get married to my wonderful fiancé! I would like to work in a nursing home and care for the elderly! I would also like to get my license and buy my very first car. And I want to start running marathons!

To all of the donors and supporters of Mercy, thank you for supporting my recovery and my journey to a new life in Christ. Thank you for making the way possible. It has given me a hope and a future. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for your donations!