Before coming to Mercy, I was sexually and mentally abused. I found out about Mercy’s program because my mom heard Mercy’s founder and president, Nancy Alcorn, speak at an event. My mom encouraged me to apply. It was very hard for me because of my attitude at the time.

A turning point for me during the program was when I almost decided to leave. Instead, I actually asked to stay. It was humbling, but that’s when I began to let God start working in my life.

While at Mercy, I found lots of freedom and confidence. I found joy in the Lord and am hopeful again. After I graduate from Mercy, I’m going to nursing school and plan to work in the missions field.

To the Mercy donors, thank you. Without this opportunity, I would have never found happiness and probably would have ended up dead, if not from drugs than from suicide. You helped change the direction of my life entirely.