Marinna – 2017 Graduate

Marinna | 2017 Mercy GradDuring my childhood, my parents fought often. This made me hide my emotions because I never learned that being emotional was okay. I chose to be baptized when I was seven. A few months later, a bunch of neighborhood boys started sexually abusing me. Months after that I contemplated suicide, and I began self-harming. I grew up afraid of everything. I struggled with my weight and became depressed. I was bullied all throughout school. I tried people-pleasing, but was rejected. At fourteen, I became promiscuous. When I was sixteen, I was raped, and my daughter was conceived. Out of fear, I hid my rape. I struggled loving my daughter the way God wanted. By the time I was an adult, I was addicted to drugs, sex, smoking, and people-pleasing. I was diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and ADD. I attempted suicide nine times total in my life. I never felt safe in my life because no one protected me from my sexual abuse. I was objectified so much that I felt worthless.

I learned about Mercy Multiplied from my mom. I needed my life to change, so I applied. I was angry, rage-filled, and depressed.

A turning point during my Mercy journey was when I met Lindsey Bussey, a pastor and guest speaker at Mercy, for the first time. She opened my eyes to so many of my hurts. At the Freedom Crusade Conference, I found my joy and once again danced as part of my worship. When I finally accepted that I didn’t have to earn God’s love, I could accept God’s forgiveness, mercy, and grace.

While at Mercy, God has freed me from several addictions. I have found my joy, and I love to give back-breaking bear hugs. I am a safe mom for my daughter, and I now see people as relational beings.

After Mercy, I plan to return home. I hope to become a pastor and work with the teens at my church. I would like to work with human trafficking victims.

Mercy donors, my life was spiraling out of control when I came to Mercy. At Mercy, I gained control over my thoughts which led to control over my actions. Thank you for making that possible.