Lauren – 2017 Graduate

Lauren | 2017 Mercy GraduateBefore coming to Mercy Multiplied, I struggled with severe anxiety and depression. After my parents divorced, I blamed myself for everything and wished I was never born. In 6th grade, I started self-harming. Not a day went by that I didn’t want to live anymore. I didn’t have any confidence or self-worth, and it only continued to get worse till I got to Mercy.

I learned about Mercy Multiplied through a graduate. I decided to apply because I knew I needed change. When I arrived, I was mean, arrogant, and felt entitled. I had a terrible attitude and felt broken and abandoned.

A turning point in my journey was during an evaluation. I knew that in order to heal, I had to be honest, real, and vulnerable.

While at Mercy, I have learned to love others for who they are, receive love, and have self-worth. I have learned how important God is. God has given me many privileges in my life. He’s allowed me to have an amazing relationship with my family, heal from anxiety and depression, and have another chance at life.

After Mercy, I plan to go to college and double major in psychiatry and theology, with a minor in business. I plan to open my own Christian psychiatric facility. I want to rescue and minister to sex trafficking victims all around the world.

To all the Mercy donors, thank you so much for allowing me to come to Mercy! With your support, I have turned my life over to Christ and been completely transformed. I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me and my Mercy sisters!!